Pharmacy students in Japan have to maintain strong motivation to learn for six years during\ntheir education. The authors explored the students� learning structure. All pharmacy students in\ntheir 4th through to 6th year at Josai International University participated in the survey. The revised\ntwo factor study process questionnaire and science motivation questionnaire II were used to assess\ntheir learning process and learning motivation profiles, respectively. Structural equation modeling\n(SEM) was used to examine a causal relationship between the latent variables in the learning process\nand those in the learning motivation profile. The learning structure was modeled on the idea that\nthe learning process affects the learning motivation profile of respondents. In the multi-group SEM,\nthe estimated mean of the deep learning to learning motivation profile increased just after their\nclinical clerkship for 6th year students. This indicated that the clinical experience benefited students�\ndeep learning, which is probably because the experience of meeting with real patients encourages\nmeaningful learning in pharmacy studies.